Ladies and Gentlemen Place your bets!!!

The most feared Bounty Hunter in the galaxy, Boba Fett's Mandalorian battle armor, the countless bombs and guns, and his cold calculating mind, have served him well against bounties across the galaxy.
Before He gained his powers in Canada's "Weapon X" project, Wade Wilson was a small time mercenary. Nowadays Deadpool combines his superhuman strength and regenerative powers to dish out death and low-brow chuckles with equal skill.

_______________________________________________Bettting ends now!________________________________

The battle... Earth. Far from the galaxy's most wretched collection of scum and villainy. At least that's what Boba Fett thinks as he exits Slave-I and begins hunting his mark. Suddenly, a boisterous " Hey, Abbottttttt" catches his attention, as a left boot catches his face. Screaming about Armour-All and the dangers of smoking, Deadpool lets loose a fury of kicks jabs and headbutts. It's all Fett can do to concentrate, let alone block the assult. Firing off a continuous round from hisBlasTech EE-3 blaster rifle, Fett barely keeps the Merc with a mouth back. Realizing his foe's absolutley nuts, Fett reverts to an all-out blitz. Three concussive grenades, some laser shots and a burt of flame later, he knocks the 'Pool off his feet. Snagging him with his grappling hook, Fett whips 'Pool on over and lets loose a blast right to his head. Case Closed.

If you thought Deadpool should have won Blame Wizard Magazine for the bogus fight in issue #102, by sending them an E-mail to