Ladies and Gentlemen Place your bets!!!

He is Spider-Man's greatest enemy; he has been, almost since the beginning. A maniacal manifestation of Norman Osborn's chemical-induced insanity, the Green Goblin has done more than any other villain to wreck the web-slinger's world. Always, he has terrorized Peter Parker's friends and loved ones. Even his own son -- Peter's best friend, Harry -- was poisoned by the Goblin legacy. He killed Gwen Stacy, the first great love of Peter's life. And then -- years after Spider-Man watched him die, impaled on his own Goblin Glider -- Osborn returned to cast a shadow of evil over his hated foe!
Bitten by a radioactive spider while attending a school fair...oops that's not right! Deadpool had cancer but volunteered for an experiment which saved his life and gave him a nifty healing factor, but left him looking like something the cat dragged in!



_______________________________________________Bettting ends now!________________________________