Ladies and Gentlemen Place your bets!!!
Wade Wilson was a mercenary granted power as a result of Canada's "Weapon X" program. A marginal success, he gained superhuman powers but was scarred and driven insane. Fueled by his inhuman strength, endurance, and regenerative powers, Wilson has returned to his mercenary ways as Deadpool. |
Tommy Monaghan was a mercenary who only hunted criminals.
Narrowly avoiding death at the hands of an alien, Monaghan discovered
his encounter with the creature granted him telepathy and x-ray vision.
Now Monaghan targets supervillian scum as the Hitman.
_______________________________________________Bettting ends now!________________________________
Deadpool tired of Hitman muscling in and Hitman tired of Deadpool's disregard
for life the two take on each other.
Tha Winnah... Having been lured into The Cauldron (the section of Gotham City that's Monaghan's turf), Wilson a student of the "if your going to do it, make the explosions REALLY big" theory - takes out Monaghan's entire apartment complax in case he's inside. He isn't. Searching the rubble for his opponent, Deadpool leaves himself open for Hitman's attack: a barrage from an automatic rifle and a hand-made pipe bomb. Severely wounded but already regenerating, Deadpool drags himself to shelter as Hitman gives chase. Looking to pinpoint his prey and end things quickly, Hitman reaches out with his telepathy to scan wades mind. Big mistake. Stunned by the insane mess that is Wilson's mind, Hitman lets out a scream that lets Deadpool know where he is and -BLAM!- the dazed Hitman becomes another slash in Deadpool's kill book.
This fight was brought to you by Wizard magazine issue #88, and by the letter W