Ladies and Gentlemen Place your bets!!!

Created as a pawn in a fevered revenge scheme, Ben Reilly, Peter Parker's clone, is a man without an identity. His memories and emotions are false, copies transplanted from the mind of another. Now having returned from his self imposed exile, he is compelled into action by the sense of responsibility that thunders within him. Donning the guise of the Scarlet Spider, he's decided to lay claim to a life he can finally call his own.

Weapon X alumnus, Wade Wilson,the wise cracking merc named Deadpool, aquired superhuman agility, enhanced strength, and an enhanced Healing factor from an experimental cancer cure.These new abilities along with his superior fighting skill make him one of the world's deadliest assassins.Now Deadpool is in great demand: some want him to kill, some want him to die, and some want him to just shut up.

_______________________________________________Bettting ends now!________________________________