Ladies and Gentlemen Place your bets!!!

During the "Sercret Wars," Spider-man recieved a new costume that was actually an alien symbiote.Spider-man eventually shedded his new skin, but motivated by hatred for Spider-man, mentally unstable ex-reporter Eddie Brock bonded with the alien symbiote, becoming the homicidal creature called Venom.

Weapon X alumnus, Wade Wilson,the wise cracking merc named Deadpool, aquired superhuman agility, enhanced strength, and an enhanced Healing factor from an experimental cancer cure.These new abilities along with his superior fighting skill make him one of the world's deadliest assassins.Now Deadpool is in great demand: some want him to kill, some want him to die, and some want him to just shut up.


_______________________________________________Bettting ends now!________________________________


FIGHT!... While scouring the city for any problems, Venom notices Deadpool on top of a near by building. Mistaking the 'Pool man for Spider-man Venom drops in and attacks.