The Dead Pool Collection

New Mutants #98

Deadpool's first appearance. He shows up, hired by Tolliver to kill Cable. He's on the verge of succeeding when Domino (Copycat) convieniently shows up to stop him. After he's dropped, Cable decides to send him back to Tolliver, Federal Express.

Deadpool Circle Chase

Avengers #366

In a second half of this Giant Sized issue, Deadpool shows up and battles the Blood Wraith for disks that have a connection with Tolliver's Will. This story is a prelude to Deadpool's first mini: The Circle Chase. Black Knight shows up and joins the fray, so after a skirmish, Deadpool teleports away with the Blood Wraith's Sword which he thinks might be the ultimate weapon that Tolliver's will is leading to. It isn't and the Blood Wraith takes back.

Deadpool Sins of the past

Deadpool -1

This is more of a Zoe book than a Deadpool book. A very interesting story that has some strong views on prostitution.
This issue tells the story of how Wade broke up with Vanessa. With only a few glimpses of Wade Wilson, Zoe dominates this book. You really get a feeling for the characters of Vanessa and this is a great book for getting to know Zoe.

Deadpool 0

Deadpool #1

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Special ice fishing issue! Never one to let the grind get him down, 'Pool, having narrowly escaped his last assignment with his life, promptly accepts another one from the questionable firm of Landau, Luckman, and Lake! The mission? Treck to the frozen outlands of Antarctica and take out the evil Sasquatch! Talk about the opposition having the home court advantage!

Deadpool #2

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Deadpool's employers fight fire with fire when they send our anti-hero into a lion's den of assassins to rescue a colleague!

Deadpool #3

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Deadpool goes after the bloke who sliced off his hand, Black Tom! And where Tom is involved can Siryn be far behind?

Deadpool #4

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness


Deadpool #5

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Deadpool #6

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Deadpool #7

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Deadpool / Daredevil annual '98

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Deadpool #8

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Deadpool has a dream date with Typhoid Mary! Hope he's brought enough breath mints!

Deadpool #9

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Deadpool #10

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Guest starring the Great Lakes Avengers! Deadpool takes Blind Alfred to the aqarium - but our favorite merc with a mouth may find that he's the one who's gonna end up all wet!

Deadpool #11

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Deadpool #12

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Deadpool #13

By Joe Kelly and Ed McGuiness

Don't ever trust a psycho with a scarred face. Deadpool goes nuts and beats up on his former friends, T-Ray, Blind Al, and Weasel.

Deadpool #14

By Joe Kelly and Walter McDaniel

The stunning aftermath of Deadpool's all out battleT-ray sets in motion the end of several storylines and the beginning of many new ones!

Deadpool #15

By Joe Kelly and Walter McDaniel

The Merc with a mouth is back on his feet and ready to sign a contract with Landau,Luckman, and Lake!

Deadpool #16

By Joe Kelly and Walter McDaniel

Deadpool must face up to the crimes of recent past and the loved ones he has hurt! Plus a suprise secret guest star!

Deadpool #17


Super-secret and shadier than a tree, lawyers Landau,Luckman, and Lake reveal their plan for Deadpool!

Deadpool / Death '99


Unravel Deadpool's Weapon X connections, while comics goofiest merc buys the farm on page 4!

Deadpool #18

By Joe Kelly and Walter McDaniel

Deadpool is going to scour the planet until he finds AJAX, and nothing's gonna stop the merc when he's got a mad-on!

Deadpool #19

by Joe Kelly & Walter McDaniel

Deadpool discovers his destiny as the herald of a cosmic event, which will usher in a golden age for the universe! Yow talk about your great expectations!

Deadpool #20

By Joe Kelly & Walter McDaniel

It's a Deadpool summer vacation! You'll split your sides as Wade takes the precog freak Monty out for a day of fun and sun in Tijuana!

Deadpool #21

By Joe Kelly, James Felder, and Pete Woods

Lo there shall come a savior! The heartless assassin Deadpool is groomed by the mysterious group Landau, Luckman, & Lake to bring peace - by killing a freakish being called Tiamat. As Deadpool comes to grip with his destiny, LL&L employee The Exepediter visits her co-worker Montgomery, a psychic who's been brain-wiped by the company.Featuring theshort lived debut of the Deadpool battle suit!

Deadpool #22

By Joe Kelly and Walter McDaniel

It smells like-a-comic book cliche! The mutant Cable meets the killer Deadpool and the two engage in the time honored tradition of beating each other senseless. Finally the two stop fighting, begin chatting about Deadpool's destiny and part amicably. Later Deadpool finds that Noah, agent of LL&L has been killed

Deadpool #23

Shady organization LL&L sends the mercenary Deadpool to kill Tiamat, a reptillian alien destined to slay a messianic being. It's a tough set-up,though; Deadpool is almost killed, and when he escapes, LL&L's leader Overboss Dixon blows up 'Pool's apartment. Captain America is the recruited by Dixon to defeat Tiamat.

Deadpool #24

Deadpool? There's no Deadpool here. Instead Captain America's enlisted by the mysterious group LL&L to subdue the alien Tiamat, who will supposedly destroy the world's savior. Tiamat meanwhile believes it'll be destroying the world's destroyer. Anyway the Creator/Destroyer appears, leaving the cosmic-powered Watcher is a comatose bliss.

Deadpool #25

Writer:Joe Kelly
Artists:Walter McDaniel, Ramos, Wong, Elmer and Koblish

Captain America is convinced he's the Mithras and is ready to battle Tiamat. Meanwhile Deadpool is lost, but is found back in time by Gerry and Zoe. After some soul searching and a pep talk from his comrades, Deadpool is ready to do battle. As this is happening, Cap is fighting Tiamat and isn't having an easy time.

Deadpool team up #1

By James Felder & Pete Woods

You knew there had to be an evil twin story eventually! Here it is! Wade confronts his super-deformed loose cannon of a psycho-clone!

move forward to the next issues