More like Dead Dreams

Is it just me or is Deadpool the comic book needing a few things? Here are a few that I would like to see happen.

#1 Deadpool verses the Green Goblin

After issue 11, and the return of Norman Osborn, I believe that Deadpool should go up against the Green Goblin, or be hired by Norman Osborne, in an interesting story called something like "The attack of the killer Chia head." This issue would feature more Osborn hair jokes, Weasel still bitter about not getting a job at Osborn Chenicals, and a few cheap shots at Spider-man.




#2 Deadpool battles the Amazing Spider-man

Goes along with the above, could be an interesting 2 part story or something. See Dead fight to get the idea of the story.




#3 Return to Hell house

DP inc?! Come on, it was funny for a second, but where did Deadpool get that kind of ca$h after just returning from the dead? I will agree his kinky secretary was a bonus and the dumb homless guy was funny, but Patch, CF, and Fenway had personality, T-ray was lurking about, and there were pranks & bad jokes galore.

#4 the supporting cast

What happened to Weasel ,Blind Al, Constrictor, guest appearances by Bullseye, hell even Kid Deadpool the gofer boy or Dr.Bong. Bring some of them back!!

#5 Steady known Villians

Give us the Juggernaught, Black Tom, Taskmaster, T-Ray, Death trap, Kraven the Hunter, Dirty wolf, Batroc the leaper, Cable, Anne from the Weakest link, Black Talon, Marvels lamest characters,Eric Killmonger, Loki, The Great lake Avengers/ the lightning rods, the Punisher, Arnim Zola, whoever else that can fight Deadpool and cause him problems from time to time. Not some anal retentive gentleman assassin who kicks DP's ass at the end of issue 65.

#6 More jokes

Where did all of DP's pop culture jokes go? Who's going to make fun of those cheesy boy bands, kill Britney Spears look alikes, Make fun of Aunt May, blame Taco bell for mental problems, and say "the answer to your first question is Shut up"

#7 Continuity

Most of my problems are with issue 65, Love the art, bits of the story were cool, but Deadpool is able to speak many languages ranging from German (as seen with Illania the pilot) Japanese (as seen in the Deadpool team-up) Spanish (Dead pool#45) to English (Duh) but in this issue he wasn't able to speak any other language.

#8 An interesting Plot




Do something interesting like Deadpool becoming President of the United States. Hey if Captain America, and Hollywood Hulk Holgan run for it, and Lex Luthor can become President of the USA, then why not Deadpool?




#9 Just for something to drool over

Hey why not?





What would you like to see happen to Deadpool? Email me or Marvel Comics