DP (in full classic costume) lying on the floor, just coming to.

He gets up, he’s touching his chest in disbelief … he can’t believe he’s still alive.

He lets out a "woo hoo!", thinking he’s alive.

Suddenly, he gets tapped on the shoulder.

He turns to see Bruce Willis from the Sixth Sense.




DP, quizzically points to himself

Then makes the slashing "I’m dead" sign with his finger across his neck

he also tilts his head back, closes his eyes and sticks his tongue out the side of his mouth as he does this.

Bruce Willis nods "yes".

DP makes snaps his fingers, saying "drats!".

Then he notices Halley Joel Osmet is pointing at him Bruce Willis is rolling his eyes like
"here we go again".DP gets mad kicks Osmet in the butt and shoves Willis from behind away
from him.

Walks over to his coffin

Splash—we see the full view of the coffin. There’s a hand in there (all that was left of him),

his classic costume (it’s draped in the coffin with the hand on top of it) and a picture of DP

smirking (with costume). There’s also a tombstone that says

"here lies Wade Wilson … at least what’s left of him".



PAGE 4 and 5
This should act like a Double Page spread of panels: 12 panels, either 4 down and three across or 3 down and 4 across.

DP turns (Jim, at this point I’m thinking maybe we should have DP appear somewhat ghostly for the rest of the issue. But maybe this is more of a colorist thing. --Mike)

The people have started to arrive (everyone’s pretty much in suits and appropriate funeral garb), Wolverine first …

Then Sasquatch …

Typhoid Mary (wearing a veil, but we can see she has that two face painted thing underneath) …

Constrictor and that flamboyant landlord (you drew him in issue 44-45, Jim) …

The gang from the Hellhouse …

Zoe Culloden and Monty …

Poolboy (in costume) …

Juggernaut …

Black Panther …

Cable …

DP forces a smile—seeing all these people show up sort of gets to him.

A priest stands by the coffin, overseeing the ceremony. There are rows of chairs in front of the coffin where the people have seated (Typhoid Mary is hitting on Cable, who’s not interested. In fact, everytime we see her in the background, she should be hitting on a different man, Wolvie, Juggernaut, Constrictor, Sasquatch) others have remained standing. DP, smiling nodding in approval as if to say it’s a good turn out for his funeral, sits down in an empty seat next to Sasquatch.

Shot of the Great Lakes Avengers arriving

Big Bertha comes and sits in Wade’s seat, squashing him up against Sasquatch.

Close on Wade—his left cheek is covered in Sasquatch’s fur, his right in Bertha’s fat.

DP jumps up from in between them like a swimmer coming up for air.

Suddenly, something whizzes by his head …