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Weapon X alumnus, Wade Wilson,the wise cracking merc named Deadpool, aquired superhuman agility, enhanced strength, and an enhanced Healing factor from an experimental cancer cure.These new abilities along with his superior fighting skill make him one of the world's deadliest assassins.Now Deadpool is in great demand: some want him to kill, some want him to die, and some want him to just shut up.

Four high-school dropouts and their dog riding around the country in their psychedelic love machine, occasionally taking off criminals's masks, and earning their way by selling drugs.

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Scooby and the gang stumble across Deadpool while on the search for the mysterious phantom haunting in some miniscule town that actually hired them. Well figuring that Deadpool is the man behind the mystery the gang jumps into the back of their groovey mystery van and races off to the cave where the most unusual activity has been taking place... convieniently Dead-Pool is there because he heard of the trouble in the cave and decided it'd be fun to beat the crap out of the dead. Well the gang meets Deadpool. The battle isn't long. Daphne and Freddy decide that Dead-Pool is the vilian in a mask and tell Velma to pull it off. During the making of the plan Scooby and Shaggy are cowering in the corner. While Deadpool is having fun terrifying Scooby and making hippie jokes about Shaggy Velma sneaks up and pull off 'Pool's mask. Catching a glimpse of his deformed face, Velma cries out "Jinkies" in shock. This doesn't make him happy. He pulls out his trusty gun and destroys the lot of them. He finishes off his victory with the line, "I wouldn't have killed anything too, had it not been for those pesky kids and that damned crazy talkin' dog!"